AP Seminar Portfolio
Welcome to my AP Seminar Portfolio! Completing this course my junior year has not only helped me gain a more nuanced understanding of nationally relevant issues, but also enabled me to think more critically, logically, and profoundly. The below research encompasses a wide variety of topics, from voter suppression in Georgia to high school dropout rates among Native American students.
Explore the growth of my research below:
As someone who is a deep thinker and can often get absorbed with minute details of information, AP Seminar has been a transformational class by constantly forcing me to consider the bigger picture and ask myself some of the more basic, fundamental questions as I begin my research. Namely, why is my research important and does my line of reasoning make sense? These conflicts surfaced particularly in group research, as during my Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP) my group and I struggled to create a cohesive presentation that focused on single mothers and childcare while incorporating a diverse array of perspectives related to this topic in our individual Individual Research Reports (IRRs). In the process I learned how to instinctively check for logic and simplicity in my line of reasoning with the help of my team members. Creating an easy to understand presentation required repeating our main points multiple times throughout papers and presentations to provide clear signposts for our readers/listeners.
In addition to learning how to work successfully as a team, AP Seminar has allowed me to explore issues that I am passionate about related to social justice and modern political dynamics in a nuanced and multi-faceted way that I had never done before. Learning how to find credible and dynamic sources that present a wide variety of relevant perspectives was a challenging but rewarding experience, and helped me understand the importance of letting my perspectives naturally guide my research instead of predicting a pre-determined outcome or solution to my paper from the start (often, these seemingly "obvious" solutions or lines of reasoning where quickly disproved by more deeply exploring my topic).
After presenting my research I hope to pursue a fellowship with Ajwang Rading's congressional campaign. I believe that Mr. Rading has the policies, expertise, and charisma needed to be Palo Alto's next representative in Congress, and I believe that my research in AP Seminar demonstrates that I am deeply committed to the Democratic process and recognize the urgency of passing meaningful legislation on issues that accomplish electoral, economic, and social reforms.
Outside of class I am involved in the Palo Alto Museum's Teen Advisory Council, which engages the community of Palo Alto by chronicling and presenting the city’s rich history. Our council has helped create and package a Time Capsule to be opened in 75 years, as well as creating a digital walking tour during the pandemic. Working as a co-chair on the council has enabled me to gain a greater connection with active members of the Palo Alto community, including members of the city council and longtime residents.
I am also deeply passionate about lighthouses and have been since I was very young. Not only are lighthouses architecturally intriguing and often located in beautiful areas, but the community I have found through them has created life-long memories. Currently, I volunteer with the United States Lighthouse Society as a passport stamp coordinator, contacting lighthouse stamp locations on a yearly basis while updating website information. By repeatedly calling and emailing stamp locations, my public communication skills have greatly improved. I am also in the process of creating the California Lighthouse Society, the first-ever statewide lighthouse organization. We hope to launch a cruise of San Francisco Bay lighthouses this summer.
I hope to graduate from college with a degree in political science allowing me to explore law and/or public policy. I have always loved history and historic preservation (hence my love for lighthouses) as well as writing, public speaking, and politics, and a path forward through political science will allow me to gain an even deeper understanding of these interests and their practical applications. The research I have completed as part of AP Seminar has helped me gain a greater understanding of the American political system that would be useful under a political science pathway.
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